Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Some snaps from Sumner

My Android phone isn't fully set up yet, I need a micro SD card to greatly improve it's storage capacity, however, here are a few shots from the seaside suburbs of Christchurch.

The first thing you notice heading into Sumner area is the massive walls of steel shipping containers, line up like soldiers, protecting areas by the cliff face from potentially deadly rockfalls, as the surge of aftershocks continues to plague our town.

The next thing you notice is the houses, built atop the cliffs, for the sake of a startling ocean view. They perch precariously on the edge, and in a couple of cases since the 23 December aftershocks, some have even fallen down. Fortunately they are empty and have been since the February 22 earthquakes sheathed enough from the cliffs to make them unsafe.

In New Brighton there are a few buildings down, most notably the old theatre which stood adjacent to the mall, which is largely intact although some of the shops have understandably come down. To see the mall in such decay is a very sorry sight indeed, given the place use to be a vibrant seaside hub.

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